Recipe: Tortelli con la coda of Vigolzone

Recipe: Tortelli con la coda of Vigolzone

For the filling
- Ricotta
- Grana padano D.O.P.
- Fresh spinach or chard
- Eggs
- Nutmeg
The proportions should be such that for every 100 of ricotta, the Grana padano D.O.P. should vary between 18 and 22 and the greens, just boiled and lightly squeezed, between 10 and 15.

For the pasta
- Flour 00
- Eggs
- Water
- Salt
For each kilo of flour you need 5 eggs, or more, depending on the humidity. The quantity of water varies according to the dough but should never exceed 20 cl, so as to guarantee that the pasta remains compact during cooking.

Prepare the pasta and knead and roll it so as to obtain sheets of pasta that are then cut into rectangles 70x100 mm.
Prepare the filling, chopping the chard (or spinach) finely and amalgamating all the ingredients using a wooden spoon, so as to obtain a smooth creamy consistency.

Using a spoon or a fork, place some of the filling in the centre of each rectangle. Close it by hand so as to achieve the traditional seal as if it had been sewn.
Boil the tortelli in water. They are cooked when they float.

The traditional dressing is with butter. Sage can be used too. On particular occasions, and especially during the season, the tortelli are also served with a mushroom and tomato sauce.
Related items
  • Tortelli con la coda
    The De.Co. pasta of the municipality of Vigolzone is a very thin sheet of pasta wound round a soft filling of ricotta and greens and closed with the unmistakeable "tails".

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Iat Val Nure e Val Chero
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29020 Grazzano Visconti, PIacenza, Italy

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da Marzo a Dicembre

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from March to December

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from Tuesday to Saturday
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