Typical products and local specialities

The cuisine of Piacenza is closely linked to the land and is characterised by many variations of the local dishes, so that the discovery of the outstanding wine and food products is a neverending journey for the tastebuds.


You could say that every town or village has its own speciality, closely interwoven with its history, culture and economy.


Wandering along the Nure and Chero valleys, stopping in inns, shops, agriturismi or wineries, gives you the chance to discover this territory also through its tastes  - a really delightful way of getting to know a place!

  • Gross Carni Dadomo
    Butcher shop in Carpaneto - IAT Diffuso Val Nure e Val Chero
    Specialized in the butchering of high-quality scottona, but also on the production of excellent cold cuts and several ready meals to cook, such as hamburgers, steaks, aristas, skewers and a whole area dedicated to rotisserie
  • De.Co. Potato Bread of Farini
    The latest speciality, in order of time, to have received recogniton as De.Co. The secret of why it is so good lies in the loving preparation and use of the Mareto potatoes.
  • Polenta with potatoes De.Co of Farini
    One of the oldest and most traditional dishes of the peasant food of the mountains, prepared with the De.Co potatoes of Farini.
  • Farini De.Co potato gnocchi
    One of the best loved specialities of the peasant food from Piacenza, these gnocchi are prepared with potatoes grown in the area.
  • Bortellina of Bettola De.Co (burtlena)
    The bortellina or burtlena, a sort of fritter made from flour and water, is one of the bulwarks of traditional popular Piacenza food.
  • Mushrooms, the treasures of the undergrowth
    Mushrooms, porcini in particular, are found in many of the recipes that are typical of the cuisine of Piacenza, especially as an ingredient of sauces and dressings.
  • Fig Cake De.Co. of Albarola
    The fig cake is a speciality found only at Albarola di Vigolzone: delicious pastry filled with the sweetest fruit of the fig.
  • Farini De.Co. Potato Cake
    An old peasant recipe created to use those potatoes that were spoilt during the harvest, it is one of the best-loved specialities of the upper Nure valley.
  • Tortelli con la coda
    The De.Co. pasta of the municipality of Vigolzone is a very thin sheet of pasta wound round a soft filling of ricotta and greens and closed with the unmistakeable "tails".
  • Piacenza cuisine: a melting pot of flavours
    Piacenza and its province at table: a rapid survey of the specialities that you can taste when you visit this area.
  • Mariola
    The mariola (Slow Food Ark of Taste) is a traditional cured meat of the Piacenza Apennines, seasoned for at least six months. A real rarity.
  • The Tomato, red gold of Piacenza
    The parts of the Val Nure and Val Chero that lie in the plain are famous not only for the PDO cured meats but also for the tomato, the true red gold of Piacenza, and Podenzano is the "capital".

  • Discover the area
    Discover the area
  • Places to eat
  • Where to stay
  • Itineraries and guided visits
    Itineraries and guided visits
  • Events and Festivals
    Events and Festivals
  • Traditions and Curiosities
    Traditions and Curiosities
Visit Emilia | visit the Italian food valley
Emilia Romagna Turismo – Sito ufficiale di informazione turistica
Iat Val Nure e Val Chero
Tel +39 0523 870997

Viale del Castello,
29020 Grazzano Visconti, PIacenza, Italy

Opening period
da Marzo a Dicembre

Opening period
from March to December

Opening days:
from Tuesday to Saturday
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 14.00 at 17.00
© Tutti i diritti sono riservati
IAT Grazzano Visconti Val Nure e Val Chero
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