Ancient Ways: cycling and hiking routes in the territory of Vigolzone

Ancient Ways: cycling and hiking routes in the territory of Vigolzone
The Ancient Ways are seven walking and cycling routes that follow ancient routes of communication across the municipal territory of Vigolzone.
Each itinerary is provided with detailed maps, road book, altimetric profile and information on service points.

Route suited to the whole family, it does not present any particular difficulties and can be followed on foot or on mountain bike without prior training.
You start from the alpine hut and after a stretch in the plain you climb the first hills of Vigolzone. From here you get a wonderful view over Vigolzone and Grazzano Visconti.

Route suited to the whole family, it does not present any particular difficulties and can be followed on foot or on mountain bike without prior training.
You start from the alpine hut and after a stretch in the plain you climb the first hills of Vigolzone. From here you get a wonderful view over Vigolzone and Grazzano Visconti. Coming down from the hills you cross the old railway line, which you can follow as far as Villò.

On the whole an easy route, which becomes very panoramic when you head for the hill country of Villò and Albarola, between the vineyards of important wineries.
Coming down from the hills and approaching Vigolzone, you follow a section of the former Piacenza-Bettola railway line, a good bit of the old track still surviving.

The route starts in Grazzano Visconti, climbs up the hills of Vigolzone and returns to the picturesque mediaeval village following the old road of the mills.
It is a fairly easy route without particular difficulties and can be followed on foot or on mountain bike even without much training.

The route starts in Grazzano Visconti, forming a ring along the old road of the mills and the bed of the river Nure. The river area is protected and is the ideal habitat for many wild animals. In addition to hares and pheasants, if you are lucky, and depending on the season, you may see herons, black-winged stilts and ospreys.
It is a very easy route, suited to the whole family.

The route is quite challenging and requires a certain preparation not only because of some significant altitude gains but also on account of some tough stretches on gravel.
The route climbs up the Bagnolo road as far as the hills of Bicchignano and Veano, where you are rewarded with a magnificent view over the whole valley and as far as Piacenza.

This is quite a demanding route that requires a certain training. It is very beautiful from a naturalist point of view, forming a ring that starts and ends at Carmiano going via Chiulano. You cross vineyards and some quite wild stretches where you get a spectacular view over the river Nure.
During the excursion it is not unusual to see a falcon circling in the sky.

The Ancient Ways is an initiative promoted by the municipality of Vigolzone in collaboration with the Associazione Sportiva Vigobike, UISP Piacenza Lega Cicloturismo, Gruppo Escursionisti Vigolzonesi and Associazione I Bipedi-Vigolzone.

You can download the PDF of each route or the whole brochure, complete with tourist information.
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Emilia Romagna Turismo – Sito ufficiale di informazione turistica
Iat Val Nure e Val Chero
Tel +39 0523 870997

Viale del Castello,
29020 Grazzano Visconti, PIacenza, Italy

Opening period
da Marzo a Dicembre

Opening period
from March to December

Opening days:
from Tuesday to Saturday
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 14.00 at 17.00
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IAT Grazzano Visconti Val Nure e Val Chero
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