The Ostello is an accommodation facility for spring and summer ideal for spiritual retreats, moments of holidays and group training at 750 m altitude between Bettola and Morfasso, 50 km from Piacenza and not far from Prato Barbieri.
B&B Villa Le Noci, by the locality Maiolo, in the municipality of Bettola, is surrounded by greenery and it has several services available for its guests.
The Agriturismo Villa Fiorita is situated on the hills of Piacenza in Val Riglio. Stay in comfortable rooms, with possibility of breakfast, lunch and rooms.
A warm and welcoming environment set in breathtaking scenery, the agriturismo occupies a restored baita (mountain refuge). From here one can set out for excursions on the hills of the Nure valley, to collect mushrooms and chestnuts in the forests
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