
  • Ristorante Delizia
    località Villa Delizia 1 - Colla San Bassano
    Restaurant Delizia is surrounded by the greenery of the Apennines of Piacenza. It offers excellent dishes, made with selected products. Very competitive prices. Guaranteed ospitality.
    • tel 0523 910330
  • Ristorante Fratelli Salini
    Viale Europa 46 - località Groppallo
    Restaurant Fratelli Salini offers typical dishes of the local tradition. The house also offers a list of local wines.
    • tel 0523 916104
  • Agriturismo Le Sermase
    Località Nicelli, 58 - Farini
    Agriturismo Le Sermase is a cozy farm on the Piacenza Apennines that produces pellets and meat. It also offers a restaurant and comfortable rooms.
    • tel 0523.915330
  • Albergo Ristorante Italia
    Viale Europa, 82-84 - Groppallo
    Albergo Ristorante Italia is a family-run structure and it offers typical dishes of the tradition, trying to keep the taste and flavour of the typical and homemade cuisine unchanged over time. In addition, the hotel has 8 comfortable rooms.
    • tel 0523 916119
  • Albergo Ristorante Bar dei Cacciatori
    Località Mareto - Farini
    The Albergo dei Cacciatori offers typical dishes of the local tradition, such as pisarei, cannelloni and tortelli. But also local cold cuts, local wines and potato cake prepared by the skilled hands of Gisella and Elena. Homemade desserts. The str
    • tel 0523 915131
  • Pizzeria Bar Bobo
    Via Genova,37 - Farini
    Bobo Bar is located in the municipality of Farini. It is pizzeria too.
    • tel 0523 910161
  • Ristorante Pizzeria Bar Oasi
    Via Don Sala, 21 - Farini
    Pizzeria Oasi offers excellent pizzas baked in a wood oven and typical dishes of the local tradition. It also provides bar service.
    • tel 0523 910198
  • Pizzeria bar Bonjour
    Viale Europa, 33 - Groppallo
    The Pizzeria Bonjour serves Italian dishes. It also offers a bar service.
    • tel 0523 916118
  • Il Piccolo Ristorante
    Via Don Sala, 8 - Farini
    Il Piccolo Ristorante offers typical dishes from Piacenza, realized with fresh and seasonal products. The restaurant also has a large indoor room and a small dehor, perfect for the summer season.
    • tel 0523 910212
  • Trattoria dei Cacciatori
    Località Pellacini, 26 - Cogno San Bassano
    Trattoria dei Cacciatori offers tasty and homemade dishes of the local culinary tradition.
    • tel 0523 910149
  • Trattoria Bar Paganelli
    Località Nicelli, 2 - Mareto
    The Osteria Paganelli offers typical dishes of the Piacenza tradition, but not only. It offers locally produced cold cuts and cheese.
    • tel 0523 915116
  • Trattoria Bar Figoni
    Località Montereggio, 7 - Farini
    The trattoria of historic importance offers typical dishes of the Piacenza tradition. It also offers a bar service.
    • tel 0523 919108
  • Ristorante Bar Monte Lama
    Località Bruzzi di Boccolo Noce - Farini
    Ristorante Monte Lama is a simple place where you can taste traditional dishes, made with simple and high quality ingredients.
    • tel 0523 916147

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Visit Emilia | visit the Italian food valley
Emilia Romagna Turismo – Sito ufficiale di informazione turistica
Iat Val Nure e Val Chero
Tel +39 0523 870997

Viale del Castello,
29020 Grazzano Visconti, PIacenza, Italy

Opening period
da Marzo a Dicembre

Opening period
from March to December

Opening days:
from Tuesday to Saturday
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 14.00 at 17.00
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IAT Grazzano Visconti Val Nure e Val Chero
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