• Curiosity


  • Wine & food

    Wine & food

    A land of great wines and unmistakeable flavours, the Nure and Chero valleys will win your favour also at table with an exceptional variety of dishes and local products.
  • Religion, History and Legends

    Religion, History and Legends

    Religious appearance, curiosities and fanny anecdote which made the history of our territory
  • Personalities

    Personalities connected with the Nure and Chero Valleys

    Luchino Visconti, Nello Vegezzi, Luciano Ricchetti, Paolo Perotti, Christopher Columbus, Stefano Bruzzi - some of the personalities connected with the Nure valley.
  • Flora

    Typical Flora of the Nure and Chero Valleys

    In the Nure anad Chero valleys the flora varies with changes in the countryside, changing from the thick forests of the Apennines to the pastures of the plain where different fodder crops are grown.
  • Fauna

    Fauna of the Nure and Chero Valleys

    A considerable variety of animal speicies are found in the Nure and Chero valleys, the result generally of the great differences in the countryside and the climate between the plain and the mountains.
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  • Gross Carni Dadomo
    Butcher shop in Carpaneto - IAT Diffuso Val Nure e Val Chero
    Specialized in the butchering of high-quality scottona, but also on the production of excellent cold cuts and several ready meals to cook, such as hamburgers, steaks, aristas, skewers and a whole area dedicated to rotisserie
  • The Valley of the Painters
    Perhaps there are not many who remember that the Vezzeno valley, quiet but fascinating, has often been chosen as a place of inspiration as well as rest by famous artists ....
  • The lovely Rosania
    The Ghost of the Castle of Gropparello
    There are those who swear they have heard her voice, others that they have seen her slim diaphanous figure merging with the light of the moon on the battlements of the castle ....
  • Piplòn
    The "dumb" devil of Gropparello
    At the side of the road between Gropparello and Castellana there is a strange "block" of serpentine: a rock about ten metres high with the upper part resembling a man. Tradition tells us it is a devil .....
  • The Dormouse
    A small rodent of the family of Gliridae, widespread in our countryside from the plain up to 1500 metres altitude. It is a curious animal, and like the squirrel runs and climbs trees, leaping from branch to branch ...
  • Carnival characters in Piacenza
    The Carnival characters of the province of Piacenza are essentially four, Tullein and Cesira in the city, Vigion and Lureinsa in the country. They represent the traditional figures, crafty and scheming perhaps but bringing a smile to the face.
  • Scops owl
    Information sheet prepared by the ornithologist Marco Mastrorilli
    Between April and September, the area along the bed of the Nure is an ideal habitat for the Scops owl, a small nocturnal bird of prey that is easily recognised, thanks to its ear tufts, which look like ears to many people.
  • Beppe Gabbiani - racing car driver
    Giuseppe "Beppe" Gabbiani, a racing car driver who has competed also in Formula 1, came originally from Podenzano, where his family owned an important company.
  • Georges Cogny - chef
    Georges Cogny, French by birth but a citizen of Farini by choice, brought the nouvelle cuisine to the Nure Valley, adapting it to the raw materials of the area of Piacenza.
  • The nightjar
    Information sheet prepared by the ornithologist Marco Mastrorilli. Listen to the audio with the "churring".
    The river Nure between Ponte dell’Olio and Podenzano takes on environmental characteristics that make it the ideal "scenario" for a creature that we can call the "ghost of the river", the nightjar.
  • The Nightjar or Ghost of the Nure
    In search of a rare and unusual bird that is found in the Nure, with an information sheet by the ornithologist Marco Mastrorilli.
  • Paolo Perotti - sculptor
    Paolo Perotti, one of the most esteemed contemporary sculptors, has chosen Vigolzone as his home. He has lived in the Nure valley for many years, dedicating himself to his art.
  • Giovanni Rossi
    Giovanni Rossi, an industrialist and aware of the social needs of his time, came originally from the Nure Valley, an area that owes much of its development to him.
  • Don Franco Molinari
    Priest, historian, journalist and university teacher, don Franco Molinari came originally from Vigolzone.
  • Pietro and Remo Celaschi - entrepreneurs
    The two entrepreneurs from Vigolzone, founders of the company with their name, made a fundamental contribution to the development of mechatronics in Piacenza.
  • Nello Vegezzi - painter, sculptor and poet
    The artist Nello Vegezzi, one of the most original and stimulating figures on the cultural scene in Piacenza in the second half of the 20th century, lived for many years in the family home at Turro near Podenzano.
  • De.Co. Potato Bread of Farini
    The latest speciality, in order of time, to have received recogniton as De.Co. The secret of why it is so good lies in the loving preparation and use of the Mareto potatoes.
  • Chapel of the Apparition
    The Chapel of the Apparition was built in 1954 in the area called i Frati, near the former local prison, to celebrate the apparition of the Virgin in 1496.
  • Luchino Visconti
    Luchino Visconti was the fourth son of Duke Giuseppe Visconti di Modrone (the creator of Grazzano) and of his wife Carla Erba, owner of the largest pharmaceutical company in Italy at that time.
  • The apparition of Our Lady of the Roses at San Damiano
    In 1961 the small village of San Damiano in the municipality of San Giorgio Piacentino hit the headlines after a presumed apparition of the Madonna to a peasant woman, signora Rosa Quattrini.
  • The apparition of the Blessed Virgin of the Quercia, patroness of the Nure valley
    In 1496 the Madonna appeared to a shepherd girl near an oak tree on the hill known as the Colle dei Frati near Bettola. News of the apparition led to the birth of a deeply felt popular cult.
  • Impipatene e guarda in alto - the curious motto of Grazzano
    The motto of Grazzano is an example of the sense of humour of the man who created it, the Duke Giuseppe Visconti.
  • The Magnificent Union of the Nure Valley
    A Union of Municipalities ante litteram, that reminds us of the independent spirit of the people of the upper and middle valley of the Nure.
  • Christopher Columbus
    Bettola has always claimed that the great sailor Christopher Columbus was born there.
  • The Bread Road and the Oil Road
    The trade route that connected the Po valley to Liguria passed along the Nure valley, almost following the river bed. The name Bettola (inn) is a reminder of the importance of trade in the life of the town.
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  • Discover the area
    Discover the area
  • Places to eat
  • Where to stay
  • Itineraries and guided visits
    Itineraries and guided visits
  • Events and Festivals
    Events and Festivals
  • Traditions and Curiosities
    Traditions and Curiosities
Visit Emilia | visit the Italian food valley
Emilia Romagna Turismo – Sito ufficiale di informazione turistica
Iat Val Nure e Val Chero
Tel +39 0523 870997

Viale del Castello,
29020 Grazzano Visconti, PIacenza, Italy

Opening period
da Marzo a Dicembre

Opening period
from March to December

Opening days:
from Tuesday to Saturday
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 14.00 at 17.00
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IAT Grazzano Visconti Val Nure e Val Chero
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