The agritourism offers typical dishes of the local tradition, made with local products. There is a limited choice of dishes to the benefit of greater care and quality of the preparations.
Località Costa Nicrosi, 122 - Travazzano di Carpaneto
La Casa dei Merli offers typical dishes of Piacenza, vegetarian and vegan dishes are prepared with organic products, bread is cooked in a wood oven, local wine of the Casa dei Merli.
Trattoria del Viandante is a family-run restaurant, immersed in the countryside of Carpaneto Piacentino. The restaurant offers typical dishes from Piacenza.
Restaurant Pizzeria Il Cartoccio is located in Chero, in the municipality of Carpaneto Piacentino and it serves fish specialities.
0523 852888
Trattoria Belvedere
località Magnano 22 - Carpaneto
located on the hills of Carpaneto Piacentino, from here you can enjoy a beautiful view of the castle of Magnano. Typical tasty dishes of the local tradition.
Restaurant il nido del Picchio in Carpaneto boasts a Michelin star. A suggestive, elegant and cozy location where you can taste innovative quality dishes.
The restaurant serves a wide variety of traditional foods. The pasta is all homemade, and the ingredients vary according to the seasons.
Località Ciriano centro, 54
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