
Here below a list of all the restaurant you can find in Vigolzone and Grazzano Visconti
  • Ristorante Il Cavallino
    località Veano 7 - Vigolzone
    Restaurant Il Cavallino offers typical dishes of the culinary tradition of Piacenza. There is a large hall, a terrace and an outdoor garden surrounded by the countryside of Veano.
    • tel 338 886 2482
  • Antica Trattoria di Albarola
    via dei Tigli, 17 - Albarola di Vigolzone
    Antica Trattoria di Albarola makes you feel at home. A real traditional tavern, where you can taste dishes of the culinary tradition from Piacenza.
    • tel 0523 876323
  • Ristorante pizzeria Via Roma 48
    Via Roma 48 - Vigolzone
    The historic restaurant offers dishes of the local tradition, also revisited in a modern way. It also offers pizzas cooked in a wood-fired oven.
    • tel 0523 076120
  • Ristorante pizzeria Le Specialità
    Viale Europa, 27 -Vigolzone
    Restaurant pizzeria “Le Specialità” offers fish specialities and pizzas cooked in a wood oven.
    • tel 0523 870055
  • Osteria Vineria il Borgo
    Viale Celaschi, 2 - Vigolzone
    Osteria Vineria il Borgo offers typical dishes from Piacenza. You can also buy handmade products selected by the owners. They often organise wine-tasting evenings.
    • tel 0523 870627
  • Agriturismo La Tosa
    via Chiesuola - Vigolzone
    Agriturismo La Tosa offers typical local dishes and wine tastings.
    • tel 0523 870727
  • Agriturismo Ronco delle Rose
    Case Gatti 63 - Carmiano di Vigolzone
    Agriturismo Ronco delle Rose offers menus of the local tradition and also vegetarian.
    • tel 0523 877267
  • Agriturismo Uva Matta
    via Lusardi, 54 - Carmiano di Vigolzone
    Agriturismo Uva Matta is surrounded by vineyards. Here you can enjoy for lunch or dinner typical dishes of the local tradition.
    • tel 334 736 3636
  • Agriturismo Chiulano
    località Chiulano - Vigolzone
    Agriturismo Chiulano offers the dishes of the culinary tradition from Piacenza.
    • tel 0523 878811
  • Agriturismo A.M.A.
    località Campogrande - Vigolzone
    Agriturismo A. M. A. offers typical dishes of the local cuisine, with a wonderful view of the countryside.
    • tel 0523 870946
  • Agriturismo La Favorita
    località Bicchignano - Vigolzone
    Restaurant Agriturismo la Favorita offers typical menus from Piacenza, equipped rooms and activities in contact with horses.
    • tel 0523 877412

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Visit Emilia | visit the Italian food valley
Emilia Romagna Turismo – Sito ufficiale di informazione turistica
Iat Val Nure e Val Chero
Tel +39 0523 870997

Viale del Castello,
29020 Grazzano Visconti, PIacenza, Italy

Opening period
da Marzo a Dicembre

Opening period
from March to December

Opening days:
from Tuesday to Saturday
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 14.00 at 17.00
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IAT Grazzano Visconti Val Nure e Val Chero
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