
    Località Villa Enrichetta, 1, Bettola
    Located on the hills of Piacenza, the farm has large indoor and outdoor spaces, a restaurant and comfortable bedrooms.
  • Agriturismo Arca del Pero Cappellino
    Loc. Costa 199 - Bettola
    Farmhouse located in Costa di Gruppo Ducale with 6 bedrooms and and a total of 12 beds.
  • Restaurant Pizzeria La Villa
    via Fra i luoghi, 12 - Bettola
    Restaurant Pizzeria La Villa in Bettola offers typical dishes of the local cuisine, but also grilled meat and pizza.
    • tel 0523 91707
  • Restaurant Pizzeria Il Boccaccio
    viale Vittoria 12 - Bettola
    Restaurant Pizzeria Il Boccaccio in Bettola offers dishes of the typical local cuisine. It also prepares traditional and special pizzas.
    • tel 0523 911133
  • Bar pizzeria Colombo
    Piazza Colombo, 92 - Bettola
    Bar pizzeria Colombo is located in the center of Bettola. Excellent pizzas are served in an informal context, it also has a bar service.
    • tel 0523 917037
  • Agriturismo Poggio d’Incanto
    località San Bernardino - Bettola
    Agriturismo Poggio d’Incanto, in the municipality of Bettola, offers typical dishes of the local traditions, made with local products.
  • Agriturismo Le Cascate
    Località Calenzano Fondo - Bettola
    The Agritourism Le Cascate is close to the Perino Falls. It offers typical dishes of the local tradition, but not only. It also has beds for guests.
    • tel 0523.913501
  • Agriturismo la Torre dei Cavalieri
    Località La Spessa di Padri - Bettola
    Agriturismo la Torre dei Cavalieri is located in a rural context, the restaurant offers typical dishes of Piacenza. Rooms for the guests.
    • tel 0523 911744
  • Agriturismo Ca' Sonino
    località Ca' Sonino di Rigolo - Bettola
    Agriturismo Ca' Sonino is located on the hills of Bettola. Comfortable rooms and apartments; typical local specialities.
  • Agriturismo Il Castagno
    località Costa di Groppo Ducale - Bettola
    Agriturismo il Castagno is a recently renovated hut. Inviting rooms and typical cuisine.
    • tel 0523 917341
  • Restaurant pizzeria Due Spade
    Piazza Colombo n.70 - Bettola
    Restaurant pizzeria Due Spade is located in the center of Bettola. It offers typical dishes of the local tradition and it is also a pizzeria.
    • tel 0523 917789
  • Agriturismo Fratelli Gusai
    Località Crocenito, 6 - Bettola
    Agriturismo Fratelli Gusai, in Bettola, a rural location in the countryside. It offers dishes of the typical cuisine of Piacenza. Perfect for receptions or parties.
    • tel Tel: 0523 913131
  • Trattoria Perani
    strada Provinciale 4, località Perani - Bettola
    The Trattoria Perani is located in Bettola. The restaurant offers typical dishes of the local cuisine.
    • tel 0523 917696
  • Ristorante Agnello
    Piazza Colombo, 53 - Bettola
    Ristorante Agnello is located in Bettola and it offers typical dishes of the local tradition. The structure has a large internal room and an external porch.
    • tel 0523 917760
  • Trattoria Speroni
    Località Roncovero - Bettola
    Trattoria Speroni in Bettola is a simple place where you can enjoy excellent dishes of the local tradition.
    • tel 0523 911722
  • Albergo Ristorante La Vecchia Quercia
    Via fra I Luoghi - Bettola
    Albergo Ristorante La Vecchia Quercia is located in a panoramic setting among the hills of the middle Valnure, in Bettola.
  • Trattoria Alberici
    Località Chiesa di Groppoducale - Bettola
    The Trattoria Alberici is located in Groppo Ducale, in the municipality of Bettola. The restaurant offers typical dishes of the local cuisine.
    • tel 0523 917704
  • Trattoria dell’Ago
    Località Chiesa di Bramaiano, 77 - Bettola
    Trattoria dell’Ago in Bettola. An informal setting where you can taste typical dishes of the local tradition.
    • tel 0523 917802

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Visit Emilia | visit the Italian food valley
Emilia Romagna Turismo – Sito ufficiale di informazione turistica
Iat Val Nure e Val Chero
Tel +39 0523 870997

Viale del Castello,
29020 Grazzano Visconti, PIacenza, Italy

Opening period
da Marzo a Dicembre

Opening period
from March to December

Opening days:
from Tuesday to Saturday
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 14.00 at 17.00
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IAT Grazzano Visconti Val Nure e Val Chero
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