The name of this town is due to its important reachness in minerals.
Romans, Longobards, and family Nicelli in medieval times took advantage of iron caves wich were metter of dispute with other noble families for economic interests.
Don't forget to visit Church of san Giovanni Battista, Ferriere Museum dedicated to mines.
Nearby you can visit old mines, Malaspina Castle in Gambaro, old Pieve of San Pietro...
The area was a pasture for herds of sheep and cattle, gentle breezes breathe all the time thanks to the key position between Nure and Aveto valleys.
Mount Crociglia and Mount Carevolo are among the most panoramic spots of the whole Apennine in Piacenza area.
Ferrari Via Ferrata was built by Gaep (Gruppo alpinisti escursionisti piacentini) in two years thanks to the support of Fondazione di Piacenza e Vigevano.
Mazzocchi Via Ferrata, also known as Groppo delle Ali, is in the high Nure valley. It is exposed to north and it cannot be approached in winter and for part of spring.
The area is typically morenic: it is advisable to follow signalled paths once you leave the non-asphalted road.
After a slight ascent the path continues in the woods. Before arriving at Lago Nero there is a large mire full of flora...
Malaspina di Gambaro castle was built by Ghisello, son of the Marquis Pietro, who received this parcel of land from his family. In 1520, Ghisello was killed in this castle by his relatives.
0523 1797245 / 335 6912581
Piazza delle Miniere - Ferriere
interesting museum (created by Bergonzi Family) with photo, documents and tools used durink the work in mines. Open on request previous booking
0523 922204
Working metal with trip hammers is a very old activity in the Nure Valley, connected to exploitation of the iron mines in the upper Nure valley.