
  • Osteria Italia da Masnantin
    Località Perotti, 22 - Ferriere
    The Osteria offers typical dishes of Piacenza, but not only. It’s also a bar. The simple and cozy restaurant offers cold cuts and cheese and excellent snacks with good wine.
    • tel 0523 922855
  • Trattoria Agogliati
    Località Salsominore - Ferriere
    The restaurant offers typical local dishes. Simple and genuine cuisine.
    • tel 0523 920110
  • L'Ost in the Weekend
    Località Rompeggio, 20 - Ferriere
    L’Ost in the weekend is a pub restaurant in Rompeggio. Wide choice of wines and beers and excellent cuisine.
    • tel 0523 1610496
  • Trattoria Cavanna
    Località Partuso, 49 - Ferriere
    You can taste typical dishes of Piacenza, cooked with the ancient recipes of the tradition.
    • tel 0523 929109
  • Trattoria dalla Bianca
    località Castelcanafurone - Ferriere
    Here you can taste typical and genuine dishes cooked by the skilled hands of the cook Bianca.
    • tel 0523 928177
  • Osteria Dallavalle
    Località Cassimoreno - Ferriere
    The restaurant offers typical dishes of the cuisine of Piacenza, but not only. It’s also a pizzeria.
    • tel 0523 922264
  • Bar Ristorante di Canepari Enzo
    località Solero, 42 - Ferriere
    Bar Ristorante Di Canepari Enzo Felice is located in Solero, in the municipality of Ferriere. It is bar and pizzeria.
    • tel 05223 922227
  • Bar Pizzeria le Miniere
    Corso Roma, 10 - Ferriere
    Bar pizzeria le Miniere is located in the historical center of Ferriere, next to the main square.
    • tel 0523 922452
  • L'antica Osteria dei Mercanti
    Piazza Municipio, 6 - Ferriere
    The Antica Osteria Dei Mercanti is located in Ferriere. The restaurant offers dishes of Piacenza, Emilia and also grilled meat.
    • tel 0523 922243
  • Locanda Le Querce di Rocca
    Strada Rocca, 5 - Loc. Rocca Ferriere
    The restaurant offers typical dishes of the Piacenza tradition. It also has some rooms for the guests.
    • tel 0523 922425
  • Rifugio Lago Nero
    località Monte Armano di Selva - Ferriere
    The refuge, surrounded by greenery, has some rooms equipped with many services. The property is also a restaurant and offers bar service.
    • tel 333 335 4935
  • Agriturismo il Mulino dei Boeri
    Località Boeri - Ferriere
    The restaurant offers typical dishes of the local culinary tradition.
  • Ristorante Pizzeria Bar Barbara
    via Marconi, 2 - Ferriere
    The restaurant offers dishes from Piacenza but also grilled meat and fish. It’s a pizzeria too.
    • tel 0523 922233
  • Albergo Ristorante Grondana
    Via Roma, 19 - Ferriere
    It offers typical dishes of Piacenza and also offers bar service.
    • tel 0523 922212
  • RistoPub il Maglio
    piazza Miniere, 25 - Ferriere
    The restaurant offers typical dishes of the Piacenza tradition, but also hamburgers, pizza, grilled meat and fish.
    • tel 0523 922922
  • Chalet Rocca dei Folli
    Località Folli di Ferriere
    Inside, the spectacular Chalet Rocca dei Folli, bar, pizzeria and restaurant.

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Visit Emilia | visit the Italian food valley
Emilia Romagna Turismo – Sito ufficiale di informazione turistica
Iat Val Nure e Val Chero
Tel +39 0523 870997

Viale del Castello,
29020 Grazzano Visconti, PIacenza, Italy

Opening period
da Marzo a Dicembre

Opening period
from March to December

Opening days:
from Tuesday to Saturday
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 14.00 at 17.00
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IAT Grazzano Visconti Val Nure e Val Chero
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