Columbus Tower

at Pradello near Bettola

Columbus Tower
The tower belonged to the family of Christopher Columbus. Many believe that the Admiral of the Ocean Sea was actually born here, but probably at that time the family had already left the Bettola area for Genoa.
The building, dated about the 13th century, was built for defence as well as for residential purposes.
At the beginning the appearance of the fortress must have been different. It was taller, to start with. In fact it was 28 metres high and the tower was surrounded by a sort of enclosure made up of small courtyards, each protected by stout walls with entrance gates.
Undoubtedly the tower was involved in violent conflicts but, once the need for defence had passed, it was neglected for centuries.
Between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, to avoid the risk of collapse, the top 5 floors were removed. It was then used for agricultural purposes until 1957, when it was bought by signor Molinari, who had emigrated from Piacenza to America. He had it restored so as to transform it into a museum dedicated to Christopher Columbus.

The Torre Colombo can now be visited by appointment.
To book a visit, telephone +39 328 8714929 or send an email to the Nuovo Comitato di Pradello: indicating a telephone number where you can be contacted in turn.
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Iat Val Nure e Val Chero
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29020 Grazzano Visconti, PIacenza, Italy

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from March to December

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