Palazzo Scotti

Today Carpaneto Town Hall

Palazzo Scotti
We do not know when a fortress was first built in Carpaneto.
Possibly the first fortification was erected by the Malaspina, who in 1180 ceded their lands in Carpaneto, and generally in the area between the Chero and the Vezzeno, to the church of S. Antonino in Piacenza.

The castle is expressly mentioned in the chronicles of 1321 (at that time it belonged to the Scotti), on the occasion of its destruction by the militia of the Visconti, bent on destroying all the strongholds of the Guelphs.
It was rebuilt by Rolando Scotti some time before 1370. In little more than 60 years the castle passed from the Scotti to the Del Cario, to the Anguissola, only to return to the Scotti.
In 1441 Filippo Maria Visconti nominated Alberto Scotti count of Carpaneto. He fortified the castle and the town, surrounding them with a single circle of scarped walls crowned by towers, and a moat.
In 1606 the Castle of Carpaneto became a central point of the Marquessate granted to Cesare Maria Scotti by Ranuccio I Farnese.
The Scotti owned the castle until 1891, when it was acquired by the municipality of Carpaneto.
The more obviously defensive structures have been eliminated over the centuries. Today the building houses the municipal offices.
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Iat Val Nure e Val Chero
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Viale del Castello,
29020 Grazzano Visconti, PIacenza, Italy

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da Marzo a Dicembre

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from March to December

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from Tuesday to Saturday
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IAT Grazzano Visconti Val Nure e Val Chero
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