Mount Lama

Mount Lama
The surface jaspers of Monte Lama are stratiform flints, i.e stratified rocks almost entirely composed of biogenic silica, where the ferrous impurities (hematites) give them a characteristic dark red colour. Their mineralogical content explains the exceptional hard and compact nature of these rocks.
The origin of the silica is due to radiolarians, marine unicellular organisms with a siliceous shell. Today, for example, they are found in the equatorial waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
When they die, the radiolarians sink to the bottom of the sea and oxidise, and their shells dissolve. Only a small percentage of the radiolarians reach the ocean bottom and form part of the sediment.
Millions of years ago the Apennines too were under the sea and these sediments led to the creation of a series of rock strata called radiolarites or jaspers, which today give a characteristic colour and appearance to various mountains, including Monte Lama. Here it is not unusual to see quartzose mineralisations sparkling in the sunlight.
The mountain is covered in beech woods and, at the top, by alpine meadows where you can find various species of orchid, the most common being the Orchis Sambucina, either red or yellow.

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Visit Emilia | visit the Italian food valley
Emilia Romagna Turismo – Sito ufficiale di informazione turistica
Iat Val Nure e Val Chero
Tel +39 0523 870997

Viale del Castello,
29020 Grazzano Visconti, PIacenza, Italy

Opening period
da Marzo a Dicembre

Opening period
from March to December

Opening days:
from Tuesday to Saturday
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 14.00 at 17.00
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IAT Grazzano Visconti Val Nure e Val Chero
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