Grazzano Visconti - Wax Museum

Saturdays and Sundays all day and Wednesday and Friday afternoons

Grazzano Visconti - Wax Museum
The Piacenza Wax museum is at Grazzano Visconti.

From October 2015, the Museum is in via Anna Visconti (near the Nord car park) and can be visited every Saturday and Sunday - guided visits between 10 am and 7 pm. Visits are also possible during the week on Wednesday and Friday afternoons.

Awarded with a Certificate of Excellence in 2015 by Tripadvisor, the Waxworks has numerous statues that reproduce historic personalities of great importance who lived in Piacenza or are connected to the city in various ways. Among them the Duchess Maria Luigia of Austria and the composer Giuseppe Verdi stand out.

The Director of the Museum is Stefano Frontini. The statues were created in collaboration with the world-famous costume designer Stefano Nicolao, who was responsible for the scenography together with the comic author Giovanni Freghieri.

As well as the characters from the past of Piacenza, it is possible to admire reproductions of objects from the time and hear anecdotes and historical details of the area. The guided visits have been prepared bearing in mind the different needs of small groups, families and school trips.
Information panels in Italian and English can be found on the walls. The guided visit is available also in Russian.

At the Waxworks you can take part in a real journey through time, from the battle of the Trebbia between Hannibal and the Romans to the adventures of the military commander Alessandro Farnese, by way of Calpurnia (Julius Caesar's wife from Piacenza) and Saint Colombanus (who travelled from Ireland to Bobbio, where he founded the monastery named after him). There is no lack of controversial characters and curiosities, from Pope Paul III (the Pope who decided the destinies of Piacenza) to Francesco Petrarch (and the tortelli con la coda created in honour of the great poet who wrote the Canzoniere).

There are also stautes of Cardinal Giulio Alberoni and the scientific researcher, the physicist Edoardo Amaldi. From the world of art, the world-famous painter from Piacenza, Gian Paolo Panini, together with the librettist Luigi Illica and the 'divina' Virginia Zucchi, the Italian ballerina who danced in the world's greatest theatres.

Open on Saturdays and Sundays all day, from 10 am to 7 pm..
The entrance ticket to the museum includes the guided visit.

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Emilia Romagna Turismo – Sito ufficiale di informazione turistica
Iat Val Nure e Val Chero
Tel +39 0523 870997

Viale del Castello,
29020 Grazzano Visconti, PIacenza, Italy

Opening period
da Marzo a Dicembre

Opening period
from March to December

Opening days:
from Tuesday to Saturday
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 14.00 at 17.00
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IAT Grazzano Visconti Val Nure e Val Chero
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