Lo Scudiero

Restaurant-pizzeria in Grazzano Visconti

Lo Scudiero
The Ristorante Pizzeria Lo Scudiero is in the neomediaeval village of Grazzano Visconti. The restaurant serves dishes of the local cuisine of Piacenza such as gnocco fritto with PDO cured meats. For the first course there are dishes such as tortelli filled with ricotta and spinach or "pisarei e fasò" (local speciality of pasta and beans). Then grilled meat accompanied by vegetables can follow.
The pizzeria has a wood-fired oven.
The restaurant has 2 rooms and can accommodate 100 people at table. It is surrounded by a garden with a further 100 places outdoors.
Various services are offered:
- accessibile by wheelchair
- animals allowed
- credit and debit cards accepted
Average price:
at the restaurant 20.00 Euro and in pizzeria 10.00 Euro.
Open from 12.15 to 3 pm and from 6.30 pm to midnight; on Sundays and holidays open from 12.00 noon to midnight.
Closed on Mondays unless holidays.
Via Luchino Visconti, 3 – Grazzano Visconti

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Visit Emilia | visit the Italian food valley
Emilia Romagna Turismo – Sito ufficiale di informazione turistica
Iat Val Nure e Val Chero
Tel +39 0523 870997

Viale del Castello,
29020 Grazzano Visconti, PIacenza, Italy

Opening period
da Marzo a Dicembre

Opening period
from March to December

Opening days:
from Tuesday to Saturday
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 14.00 at 17.00
© Tutti i diritti sono riservati
IAT Grazzano Visconti Val Nure e Val Chero
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