Collection of paintings by Luciano Ricchetti

Ascoltando la radio Modelle a riposo Ritratto del Generale Aurelio de Francesco Mondine Ritratto del ragionier Angiolo Martini Ritratto del Signor Italo Cantù
Selection of works by the Piacenza painter Luciano Richetti

Collection of paintings by Luciano Ricchetti

Ascoltando la radio Modelle a riposo Ritratto del Generale Aurelio de Francesco Mondine Ritratto del ragionier Angiolo Martini Ritratto del Signor Italo Cantù
Selection of works by the Piacenza painter Luciano Richetti

Biographical notes on Luciano Ricchetti

He studied under Francesco Ghittoni (1908-1909) at the Istituto «Gazzola» in Piacenza, and then (1923-27) attended Ambrogio Alciati's lessons at the Brera Academy.
He assimilated the modern taste of the Novecento, the 20th century, which he adapted to his personal style. He worked mostly in the province of Piacenza, where he ended up isolating himself after 1945.
Especially as regards portraits, his admiring attention was focussed first on Spadini, then on Sironi, who suggested monumental forms with dull smudged tones to him, executed however with anticlassical realism.
A great success was the Cremona Prize in 1939.
Alongside his easel paintings, he worked in fresco and as a sculptor.
Already before the 1940s he had frescoed palazzi and churches in Piacenza; in 1939 at Cremona he was commissioned to do one of the lunettes in the Galleria 24 Aprile, alongside Sironi. He then had some personal exhibitions in Milan, in Verona and in Piacenza, but most of the critics were indifferent or hostile to him.
Ricchetti withdrew even more into his shell and dedicated himself with fervour to a series of complex fresco cycles, especially in the churches of Piacenza and the province, with results that are at times totally convincing.
As a sculptor he created portraits and groups in bronze. In 1967 the Associazione Amici dell`Arte of Piacenza organised an important retrospective exhibition on his work, which made it possible to gain an overall view of his long career.
Some of his works can be seen in the Ricci Oddi Modern Art Gallery in Piacenza.

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Iat Val Nure e Val Chero
Tel +39 0523 870997

Viale del Castello,
29020 Grazzano Visconti, PIacenza, Italy

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da Marzo a Dicembre

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from March to December

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from Tuesday to Saturday
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 10.00 to 13.00
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