Recipe: Bortellina of Bettola (Burtlena)

- 1 kg flour
- 20 g yeast
- 100 g lard
- salt
- water

Considering that the weight of a single raw bortellina is about 10 g, this amount will make 100-110 bortelline.

Knead a handful of flour with half the yeast to form a small loaf. Leave the loaf to rest; when it has doubled in size, spread the flour and add the risen loaf, the salt and the rest of the yeast.
Knead everything again with warm water so as to obtain a soft loaf and leave to rest for another 10 minutes.
Heat an iron or copper pan with a lot of lard. Break off small pieces from the loaf, flatten them into a round shape and drop them into the boiling lard for about 3 minutes.

Remove the bortelline from the pan and serve them hot with cured meats or soft cheese.

This is Carmen Artocchi's recipe, published in the book: 400 ricette della cucina piacentina.

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Iat Val Nure e Val Chero
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29020 Grazzano Visconti, PIacenza, Italy

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