Castle of Montanaro
The mediaeval castle is mentioned in 1395 as one of the properties of the monastery of San Savino in Piacenza.
Later it belonged to various noble families, the Cossadoca, the Da Rizzolo, the Dal Pozzo, and the Portapuglia. It was in part rebuilt in 1692 by Count Marazzani, and then transformed into a villa.
In 1799 it was used by the Austro-Russian troops under Gen. Suvarov. During the 20th century it accommodated the boys of the Fascist youth organisation, the Gioventù Italiana del Littorio, and then became the provincial orphanage.
The castle has a rectangular plan and, in spite of its transformation into a residence, still has clear signs of its defensive past - the massive walls and robust square corner towers.
A triangular tympanum decorates the façade above the entrance.