Castle of Vigolzone

Castle of Vigolzone
The Castle, built in 1330 by the noble family of the Anguissola, has a rectangular plan. Two towers that are clearly old stand out in this imposing building. On one there is an inscription which, giving a welcome to visitors, gives us information on the foundation of the castle: "MCCCXXX IN.CEPTUM FUIT CASTRUM D.NO BERNARDI ANGUXOLLE SEGNORI (V) U SCIE TUTI GI BEN VEGNU". Today the inscription is a symbol of the local tradition of hospitality.
Considered the strongest castle of the Nure valley, it belonged to the Anguissola almost all through its history.
The poet Giosuè Carducci visited the castle in the autumn of 1888 and dedicated to the Piacenza lady Elvira Boselli his poetic impressions: "Quando e castella e torri col memore sguardo ricorro e tra le volte vaga lo spirito mio cerco le forme della bellezza umana e trasvolar serene. Soave balen tra le volte fosche passava ieri il tuo viso, Elvira, e a me pareva sul tempo passar trionfante la forma umana, nuova la pia bellezza antica".

History of the Castle of Vigolzone

History of the Castle of Vigolzone
It would appear that there was a castle of Vigolzone as far back as 1095, when Lantelmo Confalonieri, vassal of the bishop Aldo and captain of the men of Piacenza who had gone on the First Crusade to the Holy Land, received investiture. In 1424 the castle was taken by Enzio, King of Sardinia, who ordered its demolition some years later.
Probably the ruins of the round tower that stand a short distance to the west of the present castle are what remain of this earlier construction.
The present castle was founded in 1330, according to the inscription found at one time on the base of the principal tower. Bernardo Anguissola, general commanding the cavalry of Galeazzo Visconti and a friend of Petrarch's, had the castle built. His grandson Pietro received imperial investiture of the castle in 1414.
The castle was repeatedly attacked; in 1483 it withstood a long siege by Ludovico il Moro.
In 1511 the building was divided between various Anguissolas.
Amongst the many battles between the Scotti and the French the worst was fought on 23 October 1521. The troops of the Scotti were led by Count Giacomo Anguissola and Count Jacopo dal Verme, and fought against the French commanded by the Deputy Governor Trivulzio. More than 300 men were killed and Anguissola was taken to Milan and executed.
Nevertheless, the castle remained in the hands of the Anguissola until the end of the 19th century.
At the beginning of the 20th century the new owners, the Marquesses of Monticelli, undertook major restoration works, using the services of the Piacenza architect Girbafranti.
Today the castle is still privately owned and can be admired from the gates. It is possible to see the towers from the piazza.

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Iat Val Nure e Val Chero
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Viale del Castello,
29020 Grazzano Visconti, PIacenza, Italy

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da Marzo a Dicembre

Opening period
from March to December

Opening days:
from Tuesday to Saturday
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 14.00 at 17.00
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IAT Grazzano Visconti Val Nure e Val Chero
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