Recipe: Farini potato cake

Recipe: Farini potato cake
- Potatoes
- Leek
- Onion
- Grated cheese
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Butter
- Salt
- Lard

Preparation of the filling
Fry the leek, the onion, the lard and the olive oil gently for a short while. Then add the potatoes, already boiled and mashed.
Add the grated cheese and cold butter.

Preparation of the crust
The crust, which will contain the filling, is made from a dough of wheat flour, butter, salt and water.
Mix and work the ingredients until you have a soft malleable dough.
Roll out the dough and cover it with a layer of the filling about 2 cm deep.
Partly close the cake folding the dough back on itself, closing it by hand and twisitng the ends between your thumb and index finger.
Brush the surface (filling and dough) with beaten egg yolk.
Bake for half an hour or more at 220°
When the cake has a uniform golden colour, remove from oven and allow to cool slightly.

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Emilia Romagna Turismo – Sito ufficiale di informazione turistica
Iat Val Nure e Val Chero
Tel +39 0523 870997

Viale del Castello,
29020 Grazzano Visconti, PIacenza, Italy

Opening period
da Marzo a Dicembre

Opening period
from March to December

Opening days:
from Tuesday to Saturday
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 14.00 at 17.00
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IAT Grazzano Visconti Val Nure e Val Chero
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