• Discover the area

Discover the area

  • Tower of Ebbio
    This imposing construction formed part of the defensive system of the Nicelli. Today the tower is privately owned and is not open to visitors.
  • Columbus Tower
    at Pradello near Bettola
    The tower belonged to the family of the great discoverer. Many believe that the Admiral of the Ocean Sea was actually born here. It is now open to visitors on special occasions or by appointment.
  • Villa Barattieri
    The villa has a long façade with side wings projecting slightly. There are fruit trees, statues and a nymphaeum in the garden.
  • Villa Zanardi Landi Alberoni at Veano
    Veano near Vigolzone
    Built by the Zanardi Landi as an elegant residence, today it belongs to the Collegio Alberoni. It is reached along a long avenue of limes and mulberry trees. The villa stands in a delightful position on the hills dominating the countryside.
  • Roccia Cinque Dita
    The Roccia Cinque Dita - Five-Finger Rock - is an ophiolitic mass sticking up between the valleys of the Ceno and the Nure in the municipality of Farini. The goal of mountaineers, it is reached from the Pass of the Pianazze.
  • Mount Lama
    Monte Lama, 1346 metres high, with its interesting geology and vegetation, can be reached on foot from the Pass of the Pianazze.
  • Castle of Torrano
    The original nucleus of the castle was probably a tower erected in the middle of the 13th century, under the Confalonieri lords. Today it is private property and open to visitors only on special occasions.
  • Tower of Manfredello
    Watchtower in the area of Farini
    An isolated watch tower in the woods of Mount Burrasca near the hamlet of Cà dell'Oste.
  • Tower of S Antonino
    Selva di Groppallo (Farini)
    A crenellated tower that stands in an isolated position in the area of Selva di Groppallo.
  • Villa Peyrano at Albarola near Vigolzone
    The villa Peyrano was built at the end of the 17th century by the Jesuit Fathers. Sold to the Peyrano, a Genoese noble family, today it has a large enclosed garden and 23 hectares of vineyard.
  • Castle of Pradovera
    The history of the fortress is linked to that of the principal families of the area
    The Rocca or Castle of Pradovera no longer exists but its troubled history is linked to the powerful families of the valley and to significant personalities of local history.
  • Historic Park of the Castle of Grazzano Visconti
    Grandi Giardini Italiani
    The historic park of the castle of Grazzano Visconti belongs to the circuit of the Grandi giardini italiani. The park covers 15 hectares and there are guided visits at certain times of the year.
  • Castle of Turro
    The Castle stood on the site occupied today by the Villa Della Cella. Probably it was the monks of San Savino who built the fortification to defend their lands in the area. It then belonged to various families
  • Castle of the Maggia
    Villa Maggia
    Less than half a kilometre from the industrial centre of the valley stands the old castle of Gariga. It is privately owned and is not open to visitors.
  • Permanent exhibition of agricultural equipment in the Cortevecchia
    In the Cortevecchia of Grazzano Visconti, under the portico of an old haybarn, agricultural equipment is on display.
  • Trekking on Mount Capra
    The itinerary, which starts from Pradovera, is for expert hikers. 13 km long, it has an altitude gain of 578 m. Average time: 4 hours and 30 minutes.
  • Trekking on Mount Osero
    An itinerary to climb Monte Osero starting from the church of San Lorenzo at Calenzano. Trail for hikers; altitude gain 600 m, length 8 km, time 3 hours.
  • Trekking on Mount Aserei
    A hiking itinerary starting from Mareto at 970 above sea level and climbing to the top of Monte Aserei at 1432 m. This route is for expert hikers: length 10 km, altitude gain 462 mt, average time 3 hours.
  • Tower of the Ghezzi in Cogno San Bassano
    Towers and fortresses in the area of Farini
    The tower of the Ghezzi rises all alone in the district of Cogno San Bassano.
  • The Cortevecchia of Grazzano Visconti
    Old Farmyard
    Within the village of Grazzano Visconti is the Cortevecchia, at one time the farmyard, with stables and barns and a central threshing floor. Today, it is used as an exhibition area and for the Museum of Traditional Peasant Agricultural Equipment.
  • Church of Santi Cosma e Damiano
    The parish church dedicated to the Saints Cosmas and Damian lies at the end of the avenue leading from the central piazza del Biscione.
  • Palazzo dell'Istituzione
    Piazza Gian Galeazzo Visconti
    Looking on to the Piazza del Biscione, the Palazzo dell' Istituzione housed the craft school - scuola di Arti e Mestieri. It is easily recognised thanks to its campanile and its appearance, similar to that of a mediaeval town hall.
  • The Paper mill at Albarola
    The paper mill at Albarola, founded by Count Barattieri, produced watermarked paper, processing the bark of mulberry trees.
  • Trip hammers for working metal
    Working metal with trip hammers is a very old activity in the Nure Valley, connected to exploitation of the iron mines in the upper Nure valley.
  • Castle of Grazzano Visconti
    In 1395 Duke Gian Galeazzo Visconti, Lord of Milan, authorised his sister Beatrice, married to the Piacenza nobleman Giovanni Anguissola, to build a castle on their property at Grazzano.

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    Discover the area
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    Itineraries and guided visits
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    Traditions and Curiosities
Visit Emilia | visit the Italian food valley
Emilia Romagna Turismo – Sito ufficiale di informazione turistica
Iat Val Nure e Val Chero
Tel +39 0523 870997

Viale del Castello,
29020 Grazzano Visconti, PIacenza, Italy

Opening period
da Marzo a Dicembre

Opening period
from March to December

Opening days:
from Tuesday to Saturday
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 10.00 to 13.00
from 14.00 at 17.00
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IAT Grazzano Visconti Val Nure e Val Chero
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