Ferrari Via Ferrata was built by Gaep (Gruppo alpinisti escursionisti piacentini) in two years thanks to the support of Fondazione di Piacenza e Vigevano.
Mazzocchi Via Ferrata, also known as Groppo delle Ali, is in the high Nure valley. It is exposed to north and it cannot be approached in winter and for part of spring.
Malaspina di Gambaro castle was built by Ghisello, son of the Marquis Pietro, who received this parcel of land from his family. In 1520, Ghisello was killed in this castle by his relatives.
Passing Castellana village, you can reach a small village called Bersani. This Village is called The Fairy Tale Village because most of the houses have some episodes of different fairy tale painted on the wall.
The Castle of Paderna is still inhabitated, accessible and rich of history. Ideal location even for events, meetings and weddings. For info about tours
Guided tours in the wonderful rooms of the medieval dwelling, which was acquired by family Visconti di Modrone from family Anguissola. For more info, see the official website
the castle of Gropparello is open from Monday to Friday with guided tours: at 10:30 at 16:00 at 17:30 saturday 11:30 - 16:00 Sunday 11:30 - 14:30 - 16:30 e 17:30 booking the visit is mandatory If booked in advanced is it possible to make a trekking
Saturdays and Sundays all day and Wednesday and Friday afternoons
In via Anna Visconti (near the Nord car park) guided visits at the weekend between 10 am and 7 pm. During the week also on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Entrance ticket.
Three nature walks and cycle tracks in the Vezzeno valley
Three nature trails of notable quality start at Sariano. The description together with the road map and plan are below and attached. Pink, blue and bordeaux routes.
Rocca or fortress of San Giorgio at San Giorgio Piacentino
The Rocca or fortress of San Giorgio stands in the fertile plain of Piacenza, on the edge of the town of San Giorgio Piacentino, and is an ideal setting for events, conferences and weddings, while guided visits are available on request.
Strange natural phenomena were recorded in the Chero valley even before the 19th century: hot springs, will-o'-the-wisps or ignis fatuus indicating the presence of gas, petrol leaks ....
The ancient fortress, transformed over the centuries into a comfortable and elegant dwelling, is only part of a complex of historical buildings within a large park ....
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